Your support makes the right education available for everyone.
Support us in working towards a passionate society. Towards a peaceful community.
Your support makes the right education available for everyone.
Support us in working towards a passionate society. Towards a peaceful community.
Islamic Exhibitions
The exhibition has become one of our most effective projects in promoting a better understanding of Islam & clearing misconceptions.
Islamic informative & cultural exhibitions are organised offering visitors an insight to Islamic faith. An environment of openess and willingness is created to present Islam. Discover Islam exhibition has an attractive display material with bespoke banners, artifacts, posters & banners.
A Registered Charity
Discover Islam is committed to bringing about Peace, Harmony and Goodwill thorough knowledge of Islam. We are dedicated to educating people about the true message of Islam and promoting a better understanding of the religion clear misconceptions.
Building long-term relationships
8+ years of experience
Lifesaving impact in UK, Ireland & Europe
100+ volunteers assisting more than a million people each year
Working for a better, brighter future
- Promoting better understanding of Islam
- Clearing the common misconceptions about the religion
- Creative & innovative approach
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Bank Transfer
You can always transfer directly to our bank account using the details below.
Organisation | Discover Islam |
UK Charity No. | 1146212 |
Bank Name | Barclays |
Acc Title | Discover Islam Europe Limited |
Account# | 23162346 |
Sort Code | 20-35-90 |
International Bank Account No (IBAN) | GB19 BUKB 2035 9023 1623 46 |
Swift BIC | BUKBGB22 |
PayPal Transfer
You can always transfer directly to our PayPal account.

Frequently Asked Questions
At Discover Islam UK, we work hard to ensure that every penny is spent in the most effective way possible because we are accountable to our donors, to people in need all around the world, and most importantly, we are accountable to Allah (SWT). You can ask for our financial reports for details, but here is the breakdown:
85% goes directly to projects & services.
11% is invested in fundraising.
4% is spent on administrative work.
Clothes and other household items are among the many items we sell in our charity shop to raise funds, however, if they are in good condition. It is much easier to buy the items we need in order to run our distinctive projects & services with the money our supporters donate. It reduces the cost to Discover Islam.
Gift Aid increases the value of donations to charities and Community Amateur Sports Clubs (CASCs) by allowing them to reclaim basic rate tax on your gift. If you pay higher rate tax you can claim extra relief on your donations. If you claim age-related allowances or tax credits, Gift Aid donations can sometimes increase your entitlement.I know that doesn’t give you any ways to improve, but I really think it was a very well organised visit.
The Gift Aid scheme is for gifts of money by individuals who pay UK tax. Gift Aid donations are regarded as having basic rate tax deducted by the donor. Charities or CASCs take your donation – which is money you’ve already paid tax on – and reclaim the basic rate tax from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on its ‘gross’ equivalent – the amount before basic rate tax was deducted.
The basic rate tax is 20 percent, so this means that if you give £10 using Gift Aid, it’s worth £12.50 to the charity. For donations between 6 April 2008 and 5 April 2011 the charity or CASC will also get a separate government supplement of three pence on every pound you give. Find out more on the HMRC website.

Your support makes the right education available for everyone.
Support us in working towards a passionate society. Towards a peaceful community.

Peace Be Upon Him’ is a 3D Model exhibition project on the Life of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) showcasing Pre-Islam Makkah & Medina models. It will also have models of Masjid ul Haram, Masjid An-Nabawi & Baitul Maqdis.
Discover Islam has organised 100s of exhibitions however we have realised although we have this exhibition project working quite well to deliver the message of Islam & the Prophet Muhammad PBUH. But we don’t have a complete exhibition about his life with models that will build a close relationship between us & him. We felt its our responsibility to develop an Exhibition on his life & then the project Peace be upon him came into existence.
We need you to support this Project & make it a continuous charity for yourself.
With your support only, we will inshaAllah deliver the project in November 2016.
For more information & project updates, visit
With the constant anti-Islamic narrative being pushed in the West and the increasing attacks on Muslims it is more important than ever to engage with the non-Muslim communities in our localities, if not already doing so. One of the most productive ways is to hold mosque open days. We believe effort like this help towards increasing community cohesion and addressing some of the misconceptions that people have about Islam. Discover Islam has done over 400 open days around the UK helping welcome thousands of the non-Muslim general public and dignitaries. Events of this nature open further engagement opportunities such as requests for school visits to mosques and presentations in schools all of which we can also assist with.
We have compiled this small guide for you to kick start your Mosque Open Day. It has the information on how and what to plan, who to invite and even a sample press release format.

We help university Islamic societies organise Islam Awareness Weeks at their universities. Every year, each society organises this event to educate fellow students about Islam through lectures and exhibitions. One of the main objectives of IAW is to promote social cohesion rather than dwelling on differences.
” One of the main objectives of IAW is to promote social cohesion rather than dwelling on differences.”
Discover Islam organizes Islamic Informative & Cultural Exhibitions from a learning perspective. It gives an insight to Islamic Faith. An Environment of openness & willingness can be felt at the Exhibition. The Exhibition provides the visitor with an opportunity to learn about Islam, clarify a point & ask questions on 1 to 1 basis.
The Exhibition has an attractive display of A1 Posters with 3m x 2m Bespoke Banners on Makkah, Madina & Baitul Maqdis (Jerusalem). Every visitor receives a Gift bag. It contains a Copy of Holy Quran (Religious book for Muslims) , Book on Islam, Seerah Booklet (Life of Prophet Muhammad Peace be upon him) and other gift items. Exhibition also showcases the Islamic Culture by displaying various Artifacts, Islamic Paintings, Islamic Calligraphy, Arabic Name writing & Islamic Cultural Dress. It has on display various copies of the Holy Quran in different translations.
Discover Islam has been able to organize over 100 Exhibitions & 20,000+ have so far visited the Exhibitions. Exhibitions are organized all over the U.K & Ireland.

Discover Islam fully participates and promotes inter-faith initiatives to support and promote social cohesion and to further enrich the diverse fabric of a rich multicultural modern day society. Discover Islam sends one of its representatives to Interfaith Panels taking place at various locations in U.K & answer questions related to Islam.
& many institutes have benefited from this service.