Your support makes the right education available for everyone.

Support us in working towards a passionate and peaceful community.

Your support makes the right education available for everyone.

Support us in working towards a passionate and peaceful community.

A Registered Charity

Discover Islam is committed to bringing about peace, harmony and goodwill through knowledge of Islam. We are dedicated to educating people about the true message of Islam and promoting a better understanding to clear any misconceptions that one may have.

Building long-term relationships

  • 8+ years of experience

  • Lifesaving impact in UK, Ireland & Europe

  • 100+ volunteers assisting more than a million people each year

Working for a better, brighter future

  • Promoting better understanding of Islam
  • Clearing the common misconceptions about the religion
  • Creative and innovative approach

Bank Transfer

You can always transfer directly to our bank account using the details below.
Organisation Discover Islam
UK Charity No. 1146212
Bank Name Barclays
Acc Title Discover Islam Europe Limited
Account# 23162346
Sort Code 20-35-90
International Bank Account No (IBAN) GB19 BUKB 2035 9023 1623 46

Donate Regularly

Select Monthly Debit

Your support makes the right education available for everyone.

Support us in working towards a passionate and peaceful community.

Frequently Asked Questions

1How are donations to Discover Islam spent?

We work hard to ensure that with the donations we receive, it is invested back into Discover Islam in the most effective way. We are consciously aware that we are accountable for the funds we receive from our donors and most importantly, we are accountable to Allah (swt). You can request for our financial reports for more detail. Here below is our breakdown:

85% goes directly to projects & services.

11% is invested in fundraising.

4% is spent on administrative work.

2Can I donate items like clothing, household items etc?

Clothes and other household items are among the many items we sell in our charity shop to raise funds, however, if they are in good condition. It is much easier to buy the items we need in order to run our distinctive projects & services with the money our supporters donate. It reduces the cost to Discover Islam.

3What is Gift Aid?

Gift Aid increases the value of donations to charities and Community Amateur sports club (CASCs) by allowing them to reclaim basic rate tax on your gift. If you pay a high rate tax, you can claim extra relief on your donations. If you claim age-related allowances or tax credits, on occasions gift aid can increase your etitlement.

4How does Gift Aid work?

The Gift Aid scheme is for gifts of money by individuals who pay UK tax. Gift Aid donations are regarded as having basic rate tax deducted by the donor. Charities or CASCs take your donation – which is money you’ve already paid tax on – and reclaim the basic rate tax from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) on its ‘gross’ equivalent – the amount before basic rate tax was deducted.

The basic rate tax is 20 percent, so this means that if you give £10 using Gift Aid, it’s worth £12.50 to the charity. For donations between 6 April 2008 and 5 April 2011 the charity or CASC will also get a separate government supplement of three pence on every pound you give. Find out more on the HMRC website.